16th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology “Crime and Crime Control – Structures, Developments & Actors”

21-24 September, 2016

Münster, GermanyEurocrim2016

“Crime and Crime Control – Structures, Developments & Actors”

The link between Crime and Crime Control is a characteristic feature of modern criminology. Under this key link Prison and Policing (formal social control), Life-Course and Developmental Criminology (dynamics of crime development and prevention) and Economic and State crime (abuse of power on the societal macro-level) cover the macro-, meso- and micro-level of criminological research and represent major areas of practical and political interest and excellent scholars such as Alison Liebling, Thomas Feltes, Robert Sampson, Manuel Eisner, Wim Huisman and Penny Green have agreed to give plenary talks.logo

Source: http://www.eurocrim2016.com/

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